Monday, October 25, 2010

Rules I Live By Online

  1. I will not plagiarize words or pictures.
  2. I will avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. I will explain and identify my sources when possible.
  4. I will not publish information that is unnecessarily harmful.
  5. I will find reliable sources of information.
  6. I will be clear and open regarding my own motivation.
  7. I will always check my facts.
  8. I will always give my subject a chance to respond.
  9. I will not distort the facts to increase interest.
  10. I will remain honest and always report with integrity.
  11. I will not be guilty of libel or slander.
  12. I will only report on newsworthy topics.
  13. I will understand and obey copyright laws.
  14. I will avoid the publication of private facts.
  15. I will respect the rights of private and public individuals.
  16. I will always be willing to retract or correct my mistakes.
  17. I will seek out truth and report it accurately.
  18. I will distinguish between real news and advertising.
  19. I will avoid imposing my cultural values on others.
  20. I will be vigilant about holding those with power accountable.


      1. David,
        I think ethics are extremely important in life, and this applies to the use of the internet. So follow these guidelines and you'll be fine- But would you please straighten the blind?

      2. I'm afraid to go back there! A computer is not supposed to give you an electric shock every time you touch it (even if you have no shoes on)!
